First off I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you enjoyed your turkey…. or if you’re like my partner Dominic, I hope you enjoyed your steak (yes Dominic eats Filet Mignon on Thanksgiving, what a snob!!)
We tackled the foundation repair at Bruce St over the last week.
Our first step was to jack the house up and tear out the bad walls. Here’s what it looked like;
Once this was complete we laid a new footing and rebuilt the wall.
Here’s a video with an update of the progress:
We’ve been using a new video man to film and put our movies together. I think they are coming out real nice….. alot better than those old movies I was putting together in Windows Movie Maker!!
Well that’s all I got for now. We’ve got a couple new purchases in the works…. and are selling some of our finished properties. The market has slowed down for the winter and holidays, but there are still a good amount of buyers out there actively looking for new homes!!
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