House Flip Update: 64 Fullerton St

The 64 Fullerton St project is moving right along.

We had to do quite a bit of yard work and tree removal to this property. There were a number of large trees surrounding the house, yard and garage that we removed. You can see some of them in the pictures below:

64 Fullerton with Trees

Trees overhanging Fullerton

Trees on Garage

Our landscaper and contractor spent a long weekend playing Lumberjack and took them all down. It really makes a big difference…. check out the pictures below:

Fullerton with trees gone

64 Fullerton St Springfield MA

Lots of Fire Wood

All Clear

Stumps from Trees

The majority of the exterior work is now done. Along with the tree removal we put in a new driveway, sided and roofed the garage, tore off the addition on the garage, and added some new garage doors.

Here’s how it looked yesterday when I was at the house.

64 Fullerton Exterior Nearly Complete

64 Fullerton St

We didn’t have to do siding or a roof on the main house, we were able to just powerwash it and put some new shutters on the house.

The inside is almost complete now too. Below are some photos of when we first gutted the house out and the plumbers and electricians were doing there rough ins. You can see all the before pictures HERE.

Living Room

Dining Room


New Half Bath Framed In

Master Bedroom

We should be finishing up the interior work on this one pretty soon so I’ll post some more pics as we wrap that up.


  1. It’s starting to look really good!

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