How to Sell Your Springfield House (Very) Quickly

Sell Springfield House Quickly

Sell Springfield House Quickly

How to Sell Your Springfield, Chicopee or Holyoke House (Very) Quickly

Last week I reviewed estate houses and why it’s often best to sell the house quickly in “as-is” condition in “Should You Sell Your (Inherited) Estate House As-Is?”.   And, if you need more reasons why you are likely to realize in hindsight that it would have been better to sell your Springfield house for cash right away, please see my several earlier blog posts on “inherited houses”.

This week I’m going to give you a list of ways to sell off your estate house, or your current home, or any unwanted real estate, without any cash investment or repairs on your part, within a matter of a very few weeks – even days. This is a How to Guide to Sell a Springfield House Quickly. 

Here is a quick look at how “cash-buying” or “selling for cash” works, regardless of how you do it:

  • The process is fast because the buyer is a knowledgeable professional who has seen it all and is accepting the property just as it is today.
  • The buyer pays cash so there is no delay to arrange bank financing.
  • Unlike an ordinary home-buyer, there are no requests to the seller to fix anything.
  • Once the professional buyer visits the property and does his/her own inspection, shortly thereafter he/she makes a firm cash offer, and is ready to close on acceptance.
  • The seller does little but accept an offer, sign the deal and walk away with the cash.How do you find a reputable professional cash buyers in the greater Springfield area to take this house off your hands now?
    • An online search will quickly turn up cash buyers in your area.
    • Go to a local Real Estate Investor’s Club meeting to offer your property for sale and get information. You’ll receive valuable leads and advice, and perhaps some offers.
    • Wholesalers can put together deals quickly, and may be found through Real Estate Investor’s Clubs and sometimes through internet searches.
    • Terms such as “renovations” and “fix-and-flip” can also help turn up cash buyers.

    How can you know you are dealing with a reputable company?

    • Look for a company with a long track record – Hampden Homebuyers has been buying houses cash in the greater Springfield and Chicopee area for over 10 years.
    • Ask others that have sold a house quickly for referrals – in business referrals are a great way to find what you are looking for. We pride ourselves on doing what we say and keeping our word, and have many happy customers that refer us to friends and family when they have a Springfield house to sell fast.

    Reputable professional cash buyers work with people in your situation every day. They have structured their business, as I have with Hampden Homebuyers, LLC , to fill a gap in the real estate market when an owner with little or no cash to put into a house needs to move it on quickly. They will let you leave with cash and without the headaches and heartaches of the traditional selling process for a house needing a lot of work.

    To sell your Springfield area estate house or unwanted property very quickly, please call Hampden Homebuyers at 413-248-SELL, or visit our website now and complete the “Sell Your House Quick” form to get the ball rolling!!

Should You Sell Your (Inherited) Estate House As-Is?

An “estate house” is one listed for sale by the estate of a deceased person. For the purposes of this blog post – and for your information if you are watching real estate listings – don’t confuse the term “estate for sale”, meaning landed property (like the Biltmore Estate), with an “estate house”, which can be any type of house being sold by the estate of a deceased person.

If you are not familiar with the estate process here is a very short overview. When someone passes away with or without a will, all the person’s assets and debts are put into the legal possession of the “estate”. The estate is a temporary legal trust that executes the terms of the will, disposes of assets and settles debts, before transferring the remaining assets to the heirs. Real estate property may be sold by the estate to meet the terms of the will, or to settle debts, or it may eventually be transferred to the heir(s).

The cash needed to prepare an estate house for sale is normally whatever assets are in the estate – that is, whatever the deceased person left behind. You may be the executor handling the estate, or you may be working with an attorney or other executor.

  • Have a real estate professional help you understand the local market for this house.What are recent sales prices for similar houses in various conditions, good and bad?
  • How much cash does the estate have to prepare the house for sale?Are any of the heirs willing to chip in more?
  • Is it worth it to put the cash of the estate and/or the heir(s) into the house to sell, or is it smarter to sell as-is, quickly and for cash, to a fix-and-flip company such as Hampden Homebuyers
    • Fixing the house may be a long processrequiring knowledgeable management of sub-contractors and many choices of what and how much to fix.
    • Do you know what the building code requires, and what most benefits the house in this particular market? It is common for first-timers to put too much money into things that don’t improve marketability and overlook even small items that make an impression on home-shoppers.
    • Expect hidden defects to emerge during the fixing-process– even large show-stoppers. There is no control over what it may ultimately cost to get the house into the condition you are targeting.

Selling quickly for CASH is frequently the best option, by far, to solve the financial and other problems of an estate house. Contact us today to sell Your Springfield house quickly. 413-248-7355

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